Dr Régis Gougeon

Université de Bourgogne

Professeur en Chimie Appliquée & Œnologie
Institut Universitaire de la Vigne et du Vin - Jules Guyot
Université de Bourgogne
Rue Claude Ladrey BP 27877
21078 Dijon Cedex
Tel: 33 3 80 39 61 91

Régis obtained his PhD in material chemistry from the University of Haute Alsace in Mulhouse in 1996. He went to the chemistry department at Durham University, in the group of Pr. Robin K. Harris for a post-doc position. After a second post-doc in the group of Pr. Philippe Jeandet at Reims University, he got a permanent position as associate professor at institute of Vine and Wine of the University of Bourgogne in Dijon where he is full professor of chemistry and oenology now. He is vice director of the team of physico-chemistry of food and vine from UMR 1517 PAM (University Bourgogne, INRAe, Institute Agro Dijon). He is also the president of the chemistry department of Bourgogne Vine and Wine, as well as responsible of the university Diploma of technician of oenology and the director of the VIVVA analytical platform.

With his research group, he investigates the chemistry and the physico-chemistry properties of the stability and aging of the wine as well as the impact of environmental parameters such as climatic changes, by developing targeted and non-targeted analytical strategies. In close collaboration with the research group of Analytical BioGeoChemistry from Prof. Philippe Schmitt-Kopplin in Helmotz Center as well as the Technical University of Munich, he introduces and developed the “oenolomic” concept, based on the idea that the wine is a complex biochemistry system which constantly evolute and thus requires high precision methodology such as high-resolution mass spectrometry for molecular signatures. Régis Gougeon is author or co-author of more than 120 articles in peer-review journal and he is coordinator of the international conferences Wine Active Compounds (WAC, htpps://ubwac.com).